Saturday, October 30, 2010

we are back.

with a vengeance and canned israeli pickles. why not give this baby another try?
we shook on this-- we will use this thing! it has a great name. if it ever gets the recognition of the masses, all the russians will love us and everyone else will shrug and struggle to pronounce our internet address! i think this constitutes a win. a bunch of little things happened in the last 2 years, but we still love us some foreign foods and tomfoolery. we also are not big fans of halloween. fuck halloween. polyester jump suits and face paint suck. purim is where its at. hashentashen recipe soon to follow.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Life is but a box...

made out of cardboad that soaks through when it rains. Or in our situation, snows, hails, or sludges (sp?).

Jane already threw my name in the air, so I wont go there, but I love you co-founder.


So one day while waiting for the train, Marina and I came up with the brilliant idea of blogging about stuff we love and thats exactly what we're going to fucking do.
There are music blogs and there are tons of fashion blogs and there are also pretentious culture blogs for people who think that the cartoons in the New Yorker are funny, but Marina and I are two curly haired bitches who do not judge.

just kidding 
